Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

Creating Unique Pieces for a Wedding: How Inherited Jewellery Can be Incorporated

The mother of the bride is often tasked with finding a unique and meaningful gift to give her daughter on her special day. Inherited jewellery provides a way to create a personalized piece of jewellery that honors family traditions and reflects the style of the bride. With the help of a professional jeweller, inherited jewellery can be repurposed and transformed into beautiful and unique earrings and necklaces that will be cherished for years to come. If you're a mother of the bride looking to create a unique and personalized gift for your daughter, consider transforming inherited jewellery into a custom design that honors your family's heritage and reflects the style of the bride.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

Honouring Family History through Inherited Jewellery: What Stories Does Your Jewellery Tell?

When we wear or hold our inherited jewellery, we can feel a sense of connection to those who have come before us. It's a way to keep their memories alive, to share their stories with our children and grandchildren, and to honour their legacies. Each piece carries with it the history of those who wore it before us, the milestones they achieved, and the love they gave to the world.

But inherited jewellery is more than just a sentimental keepsake. It can also be a way to express our own individuality, to create something new that reflects both our family history and our own personal style. By combining elements from different pieces or creating new designs, we can turn our inherited jewellery into something that is uniquely our own while still honouring our family history.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

Trusting Us with Your Jewellery: Our Comprehensive Approach to Security in the Legacy Design Process

At Legacy, we understand that your inherited jewellery is a cherished part of your family history. That's why we take great care to ensure the safety and security of your pieces during the Legacy design process.

Our jewellery designers are experts in world-class bespoke craftsmanship with important family heirloom jewellery, and we follow rigorous procedures and practices to protect your precious pieces. From secure storage to careful handling, we prioritize jewellery safety at every step of the process.

In this vlog post, we'll talk you through our approach to jewellery safety and security. Whether you're looking to restore an antique piece or create a show-stopper of a bespoke design using your cherished diamonds and gemstones, you can trust us with your most valuable possessions.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

The Impact of Inheriting Jewellery You Don't Like or Can't Wear

Inheriting jewellery from a loved one can be a bittersweet experience. While it's a meaningful way to connect with the person who has passed away and a valuable asset that can be passed down to future generations, inheriting jewellery that you don't like or can't wear can be a source of emotional and practical challenges. Whether it's a diamond ring that's too large to wear on a daily basis or a brooch that doesn't match your personal style, dealing with inherited jewellery can evoke complex feelings of guilt, nostalgia, attachment, and uncertainty.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

What should I do with my Inherited Jewellery?

What to do with inherited jewellery? Best ways to make the most of inherited jewellery. Read our blog for inspiration and ideas for what to do with old or inherited jewellery. Selling inherited jewellery. Upcyling and repurposing old, inherited or un-loved jewellery into bespoke pieces you can treasure forever.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

What Are The Different Types of Gemstone Settings?

What are the different types of stone settings in jewellery design? Learn about the different variations of diamond and gemstone settings and the pros and cons for bezel, claw, illusion, chain and grain stone settings.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

My Legacy Jewellery - Life, Love, Loss & Raspberry Jam

The idea that something can last forever is not a gimmick. Memories and stories can last for generations. Told, re-told, adapted and changed as time trundles on and the years pass by. Inherited jewellery is the same.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

The Financial Benefits of Reimagining Your Old Jewellery

Boodles’ Raindance rings, are for most people unaffordable, costing tens of thousands of pounds. Legacy rings by Christopher Stoner are a fraction of that depending on the size and quantity of gemstones included.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

Recycle, Re-use, Re-Love - The Many Benefits to Legacy

The increased demand for transformation and remodelling is happening across the generations. Older people are wanting to wear differently the jewellery that they may have accumulated throughout their adult life. Younger people are looking at their inherited jewellery as the sustainable and ethical alternative to buying new.

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

Real Legacy Stories - In Kate’s Own Words!

Each Legacy journey is unique and we await every reaction with great anticipation. Each piece is bursting with love, memories and we love hearing our clients’ initial reactions. Here’s what Kate thought about her Legacy ring…

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Christopher Stoner Christopher Stoner

Not All Jewellery Is Created Equal!

Not all jewellers have the required skill, design experience and technical knowledge to successfully transform or create a piece of jewellery. Here we share Kate’s story, when it went horribly wrong and here at Legacy, we helped her to create a piece she could love.

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