What If You Have Too Many Diamonds / Gemstones for one Legacy Piece?

Achieving an aesthetically beautiful design that is also comfortable, practical and wearable everyday, is a specialist skill. If we feel that your design will be better for leaving some of your diamonds or gemstones out of the design, then we will have this conversation with you at the beginning of the design process.

But which to leave out?

Understanding which of your pieces are most important to you is vital. We can then ensure the diamonds and gemstones that mean the most and have the most emotional significance are definitely included in your designs.

Ultimately, the design is yours. We may advise that the design will be more balanced or wearable by leaving some of your gemstones out, but if you want to use all of them in your design, then of course we will try and do this for you.

Any diamonds or gemstones that are not used in your design will be handed back to you once your Legacy piece is ready.


What If I Don’t Like My Designs?


The cost implications of re-using your own gold